
Thursday, July 31st

Thunderstorms have been teasing the area the past two days and so there's not much to report, I'm afraid. We're grounded until the weather settles down, so we've spent the past two days watching videos and going over oral exam test questions. We watched 7 hours of these today...

7 hours of Martha King. I'm sure she'll be incorporated into my dreamscape tonight so now I'm too terrified to sleep.

Spent last night with Dave and Brittany and Dave's dad Lyle, who's in town overnight. Had a great meal of Prairie House barbeque and Shiner Bock. Always good to spend time with them... definitely one of my better choices to train here in Dallas, close to good friends.

Took the time tonight to finally go see The Dark Knight. The hype is justified... it's a great movie, with lots of surprises. And Heath Ledger really is a spectacular Joker. I really have nothing new to add to what's already been written about it, I guess. I'm just trying to stay awake...

1 comment:

MEast said...

Martha King... Billie Jean King... Coincidence? I think not!

That girl's butch!

So, how cool was that Two-Face effect in Dark Knight?! Huh? Crazy!